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Junk In The Trunk Sale

I am planning my first real outing this coming Sunday. Ever since the community yard sale a few weeks back, I have been trying to figure out how I can sell the things I have left and more. Living in a gated community, I can't just put up signs and advertise a yard sale. I thought, maybe I could set up in an empty parking lot on a Sunday. However, I knew I couldn't do that, I'd be afraid I'd get in trouble in some way, and it wouldn't be very safe being alone. I have about two weeks to raise about two hundred dollars. I've been praying about it, and then suddenly, an event popped up—a junk in the trunk sale.

I've learned Brown's Junk In The Trunk Sale is typically held the first Saturday of every month, but they are having a special event on Sunday, 24 November 2024. This works out perfectly for my needs! I am a bit nervous since I have never participated as a seller in anything like this, but my thirty minute outing each day has prepared me. The community sale was a good trial run to spontaneously interact with others. Except, this event is listed on Facebook with about two hundred and sixty going, and three point nine thousand people signed up as interested. Yes, that is correct, nearly four thousand. I understand a good portion, although interested, won't attend, but I am ready if they do!

The weather looks like it will be perfect! They anticipate over two hundred and fifty sellers, and a variety of food trucks. Set up is from 6:00 AM - 8:30 AM with shopping open to the public from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM. They ask sellers to stay for the entirety which is understandable, particularly for safety reasons. It couldn't be easier to be a seller, especially for me—no registration is required! This means if I wake up on Sunday, terrified or overanxious, I simply don't have to go. This truly relieves so much pressure, and I am feeling confident I will be able to load up my car and make the short trip.

It is like God put this event together just for me. What are the chances that I share the same last name as this event host? The special date that falls just in time for me to meet my financial need for this month is amazing. Not having to pre-register and photos that clearly show the area does take away the overthinking and confusion that would surely be in my head. The proximity to my house—only a ten minute drive, and just a small $15 set up fee for my car and tables, clearly indicates my prayers were answered.

As I was writing this post, I was looking at the photos on their website to get familiar with every bit that I could. It only took a short time to reach out to the host, and ask permission to use the overhead photo above. This may seem like nothing, but it is truly a breakthrough! Previously, intrusive thoughts would have prevented me from reaching out, even after trying to muster up courage. It feels really good to continue progress and reach my goals. I hope the momentum can continue and I will be able to pass out some of my blog cards while I am selling! I am really excited.

This Sunday, it is free to shop and park from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM, and they ask sellers to remain for the entirety. I already know that part won't be a problem for me. Their regular monthly event—every first Saturday—has setup for sellers from 5:00 AM to 7:30 AM with free parking and shopping from 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM. This means that I will have a place for an outing at least once a month! This will be perfect for me in so many ways! I look forward to writing a follow up post about my first experience as a seller!

You can find out more information about this event on Facebook: Brown's Junk In The Trunk Sale  Ecclesiastes 3:1, 6

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: ... a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away."


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