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reflections of a hypocrite

it is a common experience to encounter hypocrites

who talk about their values

a voice full of integrity inclusion for all—exclusion for none

words often contradicting their actions

this behavior can be subtle or glaring it is only when you see both sides

that it leaves a lasting impression

they speak of truths they do not know

holding up mirrors to others

while their own reflections are shattered

cracked by words they cannot live by

they judge with eyes closed tight

as if their hands are clean—

but their fingerprints remain

a trail of contradictions

filling the air with deceit

in one breath they preach of love

in the next they sow discord

and the world watches

too tired to ask why

the silence weighs heavier than the words

some use masks for cover

but some wear theirs so long

they forget how to breathe beneath it

and we the witnesses

are left to wonder—

do they believe their own lies

or simply think we do

they claim to stand for what is right

yet crumble when no one is watching

their principles are like fragile glass

easily shattered never strong enough

to hold the weight of their own contradictions

they wear righteousness like a crown

but it slips and it reveals

the selfish hands that built it

in their eyes others are the problem

but the mirror only reflects

what they refuse to face

the truth is a quiet thing

often ignored

but it hums in the background

louder than their polished words

waiting for the day

when it will break through

and the mask will fall

This poem is not meant to be harsh or condemning—it is more of an observation of hypocrisy and how it plays out in actions and words. It reflects the contrast between what people say and what they do. My intent is to reveal the truth behind the masks, not passing judgment on the individuals themselves. My observations often play in my head—over and over—like a movie that is on loop, usually reflecting on my own behavior.

I acknowledge my own imperfections, and if I write about something I notice, it is either to make sense of it in my own mind, to educate others or to promote growth and change. This poem is a commentary on human behavior, showing how some people present themselves as virtuous but fail to live by their own standards. It is about calling out a pattern of behavior, not attacking any one person.

If this poem resonates with you, or if you have reflections or poems you would like to share, feel free to send in a submission or get in touch. I would love to hear from you.

Matthew 7:5

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."


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