Many historians and biblical scholars agree that the Bible does not specify an exact date for Jesus' birth, and the choice of December 25 has more to do with historical, cultural, and theological reasons than with specific evidence. The Gospels of Matthew and Luke describe events surrounding Jesus’ birth but do not mention a specific date.
While December 25 has been celebrated as Jesus' birthday since the 4th century, this choice reflects theological and cultural adaptation rather than definitive historical proof.
December 25 may have been selected for its symbolic significance. Early Christians might have linked Jesus' birth to the "light of the world" emerging during the darkest time of the year.
Yes, Jesus is the reason for the season, and yes, Christmas is commercialized, but my personal relationship with God makes me confident He is pleased with how I celebrate His son. I should say, how I used to celebrate. When the kids were young, we used to drive around and look at the beautiful decorations and lights. Depending on the side of the road, we would chant Oooo or Aaah. We would sing Christmas songs and just have fun. We would decorate the tree and put up our own lights and decorations.
Every year, we would have new ornaments—either homemade or store bought—but always meaningful. I really enjoyed setting up the nativity set I had from Home Interiors, but unfortunately, I don't know where it is now. Another tradition was watching A Christmas Story, and I even bought the DVDs, I don't know where they are either! One year we made my husband a working leg lamp for Christmas—that was the only part of the movie he would watch. I even went to a live production of A Christmas Story—alone! It was the last time I really remember doing something special for Christmas.
Other than possibly one year, I don't recall decorating since my son passed away. It is possible that I decorated once when I was in my apartment, but I don't know for sure. This year, since I have been doing much better, I decided I would decorate if I could find a tree. I took measurements last Saturday and determined a 6' tree would be perfect. I knew I didn't have any money to purchase one, so I joined a Free Stuff page while I am on Facebook using Marketplace. The only problem is I couldn't find the courage to ask if anyone had one available to give away. I am already asking so much from the world.
I do what I always have done, I prayed. I prayed for a 6' tree. Not only that, I prayed it would be close by, and it was a place I would feel comfortable going to pick it up. I was just starting to write a post tonight and a whisper told me to go to Facebook, so I did. There was a notification of a new post, just two minutes earlier, giving away a 6' pre-lit tree! It was in my town with a pick up at the post office! It was an answered prayer!
I knew I had to act fast, so with everything I had, I sent this person a private message, hoping she would see it before anyone else commented publicly. She saw my message and responded positively! Being the over sharer I am, I briefly told her how this gift was heaven sent. We will meet on Friday since tomorrow is Thanksgiving. She is even going to look through her Christmas stuff to see if she has any other decorations. I can't tell you the excitement I am feeling tonight!
Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."