Here is the TLDR, boring, no detail version of my day "I sold jewelry for more than I was asking, went to Walmart to buy groceries, some guys noticed my tires were really low, and the guy behind me had an air compressor and filled them up. Thanks, Tony!"
Now for details! Somedays, it seems like everything goes wrong! This is not one of those days! I'm sure you have heard the phrase, if it is too good to be true, it probably isn't. However, God does work in mysterious ways. In this post, I am going to describe my day, and I hope you find it as fascinating and miraculous as I do. As with everything I share, it is difficult to give just the bullet points because each step or misstep shows how truly miraculous life is—even when things don't go exactly as planned.
Thinking about my day actually started last night when I was looking at the amount of food I had left, but knowing I wouldn't get my check for two days. I still have jewelry and some other items on Marketplace. Last night, I even discussed selling an autographed card I have had for nearly 30 years. There had been a lot of buzz surrounding one jewelry set, ring, earrings, pendant, but as Marketplace goes conversations often end without warning. As is often the case, I wasn't worried—God will provide.
About 9:30 PM, a message came in about the jewelry set. I had already over 15 people say they were interested, one person even met me a couple of days ago at the pharmacy. Frank didn't purchase it because he was looking for real gold with a good resale value. He wanted to buy my car, but it isn't for sale, so I didn't give him a price. Before he left, he mentioned my tire was low. I went back home, and forgot all about the tire. Over the weekend, message after message came in, but no follow through. It can be discouraging! Particularly, when the money is needed to survive!
A few weeks ago, before Christmas, I held a jewelry box for someone that wouldn't be back in town until New Year's Eve. I don't typically like to hold items, but decided to for this person. I was counting on the money for my need the first week in January. I texted her New Years Day, and asked her about it. She said her flight was delayed, and got in late and was too tired, but asked if she could come the next day. The next day, came and went, and when I texted her, she said she worked late and asked if I took PayPal. I sent her the link to my PayPal. Nothing. "Did you get the money?" "I sent you $30" Then sends me an image, in a separate message, with some random picture, my name, and a calculator with $30. I blocked her and changed it from pending back to available.
So when the message came in last night after nine, I thanked God that it didn't start with the dreaded, "is this item available?" phrase. Stanley asked if we could me the next day, and let me know his daughter asked him if he could get it for her. He also confirmed the price of $50 for the complete set, and let me know that is about all his daughter had in savings. I let him know it was $50 total, and we could meet at whatever time worked best for him. Then one hour passed, then two, three, and when four hours past, I got a message, not from Stanley, but from Casey! She was very interested and was going to buy it for her daughter! She offered me an extra ten dollars! I thought, "Is this for real!?"
I let her know I was talking with someone, but if it fell through I would let her know in the morning. I texted the guy, at that time, and again in the morning, neither time I received a response. I wanted to give him a couple of hours to respond. Two hours passed, and Casey texted me, telling me she really wanted it, hoping it was still available. She asked for my address. It was really cold out, I thought about it for a few minutes before I messaged her back that it was available, and the address where we would meet.

This is where the story of today really begins. I had in the ad we would meet at CVS Pharmacy. I started to give her my address, but giving the address isn't enough because of the gate. We have two gates, but visitors can only enter through the main gate. However, a GPS bypasses the front gate where the guard house is located, and takes visitors to the back gate that has a barcode scanner. Even with directions, and pointing this out, people still call me from the back gate wondering how to get in!
I suggested we meet at 11:15 AM, but her kids were asleep and we agreed to meet at CVS at noon. I left about ten minutes early to scout out an easily located parking spot. Right at noon I get a message from Casey, she would be about 15 minutes late. It wasn't a problem and cautioned to drive safely. Right around 12:15 PM, Casey messages me that she is leaving, I send a thumbs up! This entire time, I am looking across the street at Walmart, trying to convince myself that today is the day, I go in the store and buy my groceries. Another option is to go to the bank to deposit the money, order the groceries from Walmart online, and pick them up tomorrow. I was pushing to go to Walmart.

Casey arrived at 12:30 PM and gave me the extra ten she had offered—I didn't decline! I headed straight to Walmart for food. I went up one aisle to park, but there were no empty spaces. I decided to make a trip around, and back up the same aisle. It was a feeling, there were plenty of rows of parking, but I liked this particular one. The spaces are pretty wide, so it isn't too much of an issue pulling into a spot. I parked, got out, took a deep breathe, reassured myself I could do this, and headed for the entrance. It took about five seconds to feel overwhelmed, just getting my cart! I was not about to give up! The noise level in Walmart is so loud, it is difficult to focus and feel calm.
I need a price scanner! The only money I had was from the jewelry I just sold. I can't tell you how many times, I had to stop the cart and recount how much I was spending. I have tried a calculator before, but that doesn't work any better because I either mess up the numbers or forget very quickly if I had already added something or not. The amount of variety choices available for every single item is unreal. Whether it is choice of brands, flavor or size, it is too much for my brain. I was really hoping to be able to slowly browse the aisles and maybe find some new foods to eat, but on this trip—just being in the store was victory! A few times, I found myself standing and waiting, but that was okay. I was happy to be inside a store! I had not been in a large store for over five years.
I checked out with ten dollars to spare, grabbed my bags, and headed to my car. I backed out of the parking space, and just as I pulled forward, two guys walking past motioned for me to roll down the window. They let me know my tires were really low, and I asked if they knew where I could get them filled. I noticed when I had left my house, the tires didn't turn as good, but I was thinking because the cold weather the air molecules were cuddling up condensing causing the tire pressure to go down!
The guys did not know where I could get air, but then they let me know the guy in the vehicle behind me had an air compressor, and would help me. The first car spot in the row was open for me to pull in, and I've always noted that if the first spot is open, you are meant to be there! What are the odds that not only does the person behind me has a portable compressor needed to help me, but he also noticed my tires were low, and was generous enough to take the time to help!
Of course being the over sharer I am, I shared some of my life history with Tony. One thing he said, that will echo in my mind is, "breathe in, breathe out, move on." I can know I should breathe, and have heard phrases in different ways, but at the time when it is needed, often what to do is lost in the anxiety. I believe this phrase is so easy and short, I will find it useful as I test waters further away from my front door.
I am very thankful that Tony was where he was at the same time I was where I was. His air compressor was impressive, and it had an automatic shut off when at the correct pressure! My tires should be around 30 psi, instead they were all around 10-11 psi. Who knows how long I had been riding around with such dangerously, low tire pressure. Granted, I don't go many places yet, but I am starting to venture out, and a tire disaster would have surely set me back! Not only did Tony fill all four of my tires to the proper pressure, he reminded me when things go wrong—breathe in, breathe out, move on.

My gas gage was nearly on empty, and there was a station right there I had never been to before, so I decided my day was going so well, I needed to stop and get gas. I had to circle the pumps once because I was unsure where I needed to be, but with a break in traffic and a little maneuvering, it all worked out. Refueling is a rare occurrence since I don't drive much. However, with my new glasses on the way, and my confidence level rising daily, I have hope that stopping at a gas station won't always be news worthy!
Only thinking about how my interactions played out, and not taking into account others, these things all came together for me to be able to have food, gas, and a safer car today—coincidence or fate—if you know me, you already know what I think!
If Frank or Stanley bought the jewelry set, I wouldn't have gone to Walmart.
If I gave Casey my address, I wouldn't have went to Walmart.
If I didn't have the extra 30 min to wait and think, I wouldn't have went to Walmart.
If I didn't have a feeling to park in that certain row, they wouldn't have seen my car.
If I was impatient in the store, and not waited a few times, we wouldn't have met.
If Tony didn't have the air compressor, I would have stressed trying to find a place.
If Tony would have accepted the $10 I offered, I wouldn't have had money for gas.
If Casey didn't give me the extra $10, I also wouldn't have had money for gas.
Thanks again, Tony! You are a real asset to the Human race!
Hebrews 13:2 – "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."