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They come as friends, wrapped in gentle words, but underneath, something stirs. Wolves in sheep's clothing, waiting, not for my heart, but for control. “By their fruit, you will recognize them,” the mask eventually slips. When I look back, the damage remains—disguised in apologies without depth, in words meant to soothe but never heal. Afraid to trust, I searched for understanding, seeking answers from above, but trust is fragile in the hands of those who wear deception like a second skin. I’ve seen the face they hide. The smile a mask, but their heart deceives. I trusted, yet their words turned sharp. In secret, they plotted, while I believed. Their kindness was just a veil, but beneath, their motives lay bare. Unaware, I opened my heart, innocent as I was, they played their part. They spoke of love, but actions betray, a wolf among the flock. Their anger rises when I speak the truth, and I wonder, where is the grace? Where is the care when they watch from afar, yet stand unmoved by the pain they see? If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” Where was the pity? Where was the hand that reached out not in defense, but in comfort? Now I see the truth behind the lies. I trusted blindly, but I won’t again. In the silence that follows, I find clarity and calm. I forgive, but forgiveness does not erase the truth—only frees me from its weight. For I will not be pulled under by words meant to conceal. And I will walk forward, eyes open, guarding my heart against those who come in disguise. Romans 12:19 "Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: 'It is mine to avenge; I will repay,' says the Lord."


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