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Releasing the Past, Embracing the Future

Today, I sold my engagement ring. Even though it brought a tear to my eye and a sadness to my heart, the money will help me on the way to the life I deserve. After over a year of holding on with hope of a reconciliation, I’m finally ready to let go and welcome what is next. Growth comes from within, and I’ve learned through some serious reflection that no amount of hope or effort can force another to look within. Time gave me the strength to grow while accepting that not everyone is capable of the same.

Years ago, I felt as though change should be avoided, thinking it signified weakness, failure, or that something was wrong or broken. I often said, "God made this way, talk to Him!" However, I know now that change is an essential part of growth. I will still comment, "I was born this way!" when someone points out an area of perceived weakness, but I am all about defending my stance or changing for improvement. The discomfort that comes with change is simply the process of stretching beyond what is familiar, allowing me to become stronger and more resilient. It is not about losing my identity, but about evolving and becoming the best version of myself.

God gave me free will and a mind to lead, not to follow someone else's idea of what my relationship with Him should be. I prayed for certain traits in a man, and trusting in God's will, this relationship seemed to be the answer to those prayers. I still believe it was fate, set in motion by God, but maybe it was God's way of showing me that, even though He gave me everything I asked for, there is more to consider in a person. It took time for me to understand and accept all the red flags that others saw from the start.

Leaving me at one of the most difficult times of my life, when I was physically, mentally, and financially at my worst, said more about them than it ever did about me. I didn’t give up on myself or on us. In the end, I didn’t lose anything but time. What was lost by walking away from our relationship and me will be measured by God—and only He knows the weight of it. What was taken from me has already been replaced.

Now, with the sale of the ring, I’m stepping into the future without looking back. What was once taken—confidence, self-worth, peace of mind—has been replaced with something greater. Emotional stability and trust in my own judgment are stronger than ever. Joy fills my everyday moments again, and I am not just restored, but empowered. God wanted me to understand that a person may possess all of the qualities I desire, but still not be the right person for me. I should trust Him more deeply—He already knows the man who will be right for me and is preparing us both for each other.

If you've experienced personal growth after a breakup and have a story to share, I’d love to hear it. Challenges can lead to some of the most important growth and the greatest transformations. Feel free to Get in Touch or send in a Submission—your experience could inspire someone else who is facing the same struggle.

Ecclesiastes 3:6

"A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away."


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